Meet The Team


Thomas & Amanda Ryan

Thomas is the co-Advisor of Buffalo BASIC alongside his wife, Amanda. He graduated from UB with a degree in aerospace & mechanical engineering in 2010. Amanda graduated with her masters in occupational therapy in 2010. They have been a part of BASIC since 2006, and advisors since 2009.

Thomas & Amanda have 3 children and Tom works as an engineering manager. Amanda has her own photography business. Both are dedicated to discipleship and seeing students grow into the men and women Christ has called them to be.

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Jason & Courtney Davis

Jason & Courtney Davis have an incredible heart to see men and woman grow into their fullest potential that Jesus has called them be.

Steven Pawlowski

Steven has a passion to see college students walk in all God has called them to.

Amy Choi

Amy is our care connection co-advisor. Her heart to see BASIC be connected like a family.

Worship Leader

Moriel Addesa. If you are interested in joining the worship team, be sure to reach out on a Monday night.

Club E-Board/Student Leaders

Check out our UB Linked page here

President: John Reynolds

Vice President: Amy Choi

Treasurer: Na’Dia Carter

Secretary: Josephine Noel

Outreach: Morgan Lynch

Bible Studies & Growth: Jayden Ripic